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→ choreographic platform and artistic constellation

Météores is a production platform for choreography and expanded choreographic culture established in Nantes in 2013.

Strictly speaking, Météores is neither a company nor a collective; it is neither a production office nor a distribution firm. Rather, the platform borrows from these different models the necessary tools to adapt to the needs of the many projects it accompanies.

Inscribed within the choreographic field but open to other disciplines, this platform facilitates the creation and diffusion of a multiplicity of artistic formats: dance pieces, performances, visual and sound objects, pedagogical projects, etc.

The platform develops its activities in the Pays-de-la-Loire region of France as well as in national and international contexts.

Founded in 2010 by the choreographers Agnieszka Ryszkiewicz, Aline Landreau, Emi Sri Hartati Combet, Laurie Peschier-Pimont, following their training program at the Cndc Angers, Météores was first created as a mutualised administrative structure responding to individual needs for project development.

Attached to the notion of sharing skills and tools, the founding artists also conceived of Météores not only as a platform for production but as a potential artistic constellation. Over time, through meetings, collaborations and aesthetic and political affinities, Météores offered support to numerous new artists for their projects.

Today, the platform proposes to a number of artists, depending on their needs, an accompaniment ranging from administrative support to help with development of production and touring strategies.

Since 2015, Charlotte Giteau works for the administration and the production of the platform.
Since 2022, Anaïs Guilleminot succeeds to Sandrine Barrasso works for the development of the platform and the touring of Bryan Campbell and Sorour Darabi’s projects.

In 2022, Météores accompanies the projects of Agnieszka Ryszkiewicz, Aline Landreau, AmieAmi (Pauline Bigot et Steven Hervouet), Bryan Campbell, Céline Cartillier, INUI (Laurie Peschier-Pimont and Lauriane Houbey), Kidows Kim, Lucane (Aëla Labbé and Stéphane Imbert) and  Sorour Darabi.

Méteores also organises regular public meetings in Nantes.

Every year, for the last six years, the platform has presented a micro-festival hosted by various artistic structures in Nantes, questioning the act of creation, the relation between artistic works and their audience as well as the position of dance in today’s society through a rich variety of artistic proposals.

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