In KABUKI theater, the KUROKO are “characters” dressed entirely in black and without faces who essentially have the roles of assistants or puppeteers.
We have several “selves” in our daily lives. I use many faces in my life. I select one of these faces depending on the occasion, a bit like in a game of cards. But the “me” in relation to the world is only a small part of who I am. The attitudes and feelings I express to others hide many layers of feelings and thoughts. I don’t think I fully grasp and understand the great variety of characters that inhabit me. Some of these may be hidden by fear or deliberately ignored. The more I try to get to the bottom of myself, the less sure I am of my own form. I am not a fixed character, but a collection of many characters.
I believe that I have, like everyone else, KUROKO inside me. They are “there without being there”. In Japanese < kuroko ni tessuru > means “to work for someone, arrange their affairs, solve their problems, without anyone knowing, always staying behind.” It’s an attitude that expects no reward. Normally KUROKO is not the center of the story. He is in the service of another. In this room, my hidden efforts and fears to be here are revealed by the appearance of KUROKO. I would like to show how violent we are with ourselves, how hard we work to be here, how KUROKO never gave up on me. It will be a solo but with several presents from KUROKO.
Choreography, performance: Ikue Nakagawa
Light: Ryoya Fudetani
Lighting management Matthieu Vergez
Scenography: Camille Panza and Léonard Cornevin
Musical composition, DJ: Patrick Belmont
Artistic advice: Lorenzo De Angelis, Taka Shamoto et Salomé Genès
Delegated production : La Balsamine
Executive production and diffusion : Météores
Administration, production : Charlotte Giteau
Tour management, production : Anaïs Guilleminot
Coproductions : Charleroi Danse, Bruxelles ; Cndc Angers ; La Balsamine, Bruxelles ; Atelier de Paris / CDCN ; La Place de la danse CDCN Toulouse Occitanie
With the support of : Montpellier Danse ; Grand Studio ; AD Lib’s Residencies ; Le BAMP ; La Bellone ; Centre Wallonie Bruxelles Paris ; Teatro Municipal San Pedro, Alcanena
With the support of Fédération Wallonie Bruxelles
March 2025: Conversations Festival /CNDC Angers: French premieres
April 11, 12, 2025: Charleroi Danse, Brussels: Belgian premieres
Season 2025-2026: Balsamine Theater, Brussels (dates to be specified)