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Two figures are in search of exploration. Filled with graceful violence, between love and hate, these two bodies seek their way. Through their journey, they attack and defend territories, they discover there the crater of a mountain. When erupting, this volcano delivers fire. The red lava feeds their inner rage and delivers their voice.

In a tense atmosphere where nothing is predictable, the two performers take us on their journey, constantly interchanging their roles to create an absurd choreographic game, an exhilarating duet between cruelty and gentleness.
Nos FEUX deploys what bubbles inside an imaginary volcano and two bodies: lava, impulses, desires, songs, dreams and visions.


Concept and performance: Léa Vinette
Creation in close collaboration with the performer: Stanley Ollivier
Sound creation: Mirko Banovik

Sound mixing and editing: Dean Banovik
Lights and technical manager: Gaspar Schelck
Dramaturgy: Sara Vanderieck
Physiological and choreographic support, artistic advice: Florence Augendre

Costumes and scenography: Sofie Durnez & Astrid Vansteenkiste
Artistic advice: Simon van der Zande

Administration, production: Charlotte Giteau

Diffusion: Anaïs Guilleminot

Production ama brussels: Clara Schmitt 

Delegate production

Meteores - choreographic platform

Asbl La Nuée in collaboration with ama brussels


Coproductions: Cndc – Angers ; Théâtre Francine Vasse - Les laboratoires Vivants – Nantes ; ; Charleroi Danse – Brussels ; Studio Etangs Noirs (SEN) by Louise Vanneste - Brussels; Musique et danse en Loire-Atlantique
Simple residencies: Honolulu-Nantes; Cie Michèle Noiret - Brussels; SEPT CENT QUATRE VINGT TROIS / company 29.27 – Nantes; Le BAMP - Brussels
With the support of: Caisse des dépôts, DRAC Pays de la Loire and Ville de Nantes

Open studio / work in progress 

13.10.23 from 1:30 to 3:30pm - Objectif Danse au studio Thor, Brussels - professionnal platform

19.10.23 at 7:00pm - Théâtre Francine Vasse, Nantes 

01.12.23 at 4:00pm - Charleroi Danse, Brussels

12 & 13.01.24 (time to be specified) - Open space à l’Etoile du Nord, Paris


March 21 and 22, 2024 – Premiere, Cndc Angers, Conversations Festival

March 28, 2024 – L'Etoile du Nord, Immersion Danse festival – Paris

April 3 and 4, 2024 – TU Nantes, in co-production with La Soufflerie – Rezé, and the Francine Vasse

April 9 and 10, 2024 - Théâtre Marni, Brussels 

May 2025 - OFF Festival, Garage 29, Brussels




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