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Ishmael / Ahab
(working tittle) 

Bryan Campbell explores the novel Moby Dick by depicting a love story nestled at the heart of ecocidal violence. The declaimed and performative interpretation of the literary, musical or cinematographic adaptations of the novel will find their place in a self-deprecating choreographic game, both joking and deeply felt, in the continuity of his previous piece Deep Cuts. The spatialization of sound and bodies as close as possible to the spectator, in luminous spaces or modular black boxes, will invite a journey towards an uncertain night.


Conception Bryan Campbell

Performance Bryan Campbell and Olivier Normand

Sound creation Aria de la Celle

Lights Bruno Faucher

Dramaturgical assistance Léa Rivière

Executive production Météores

Administration, production Charlotte Giteau

Development, touring Anaïs Guilleminot

Coproductions & residencies: CDCN Chorège Falaise Normandie, Kunstencentrum Buda, Les Subs - Lyon, other coproductions in progress


CN D Centre national de la danse, La Briqueterie CDCN du Val-de-Marne, La Ménagerie de Verre Paris

Premiere 2025

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